
Week 12 | Week By Week | Fetal Development

Week 12 | Week By Week | Fetal Development
12 weeks
This week your baby's reflexes kick in: His fingers will soon begin to open and close, toes will curl, and his mouth will make sucking movements. He'll feel it if you gently poke your tummy – though you won't feel his movements yet.

Your Baby’s Development

This is a very exciting week for your baby. The vocal cords form during this twelfth week, and the nails on all 20 fingers and toes become visible. The intestines are still growing, and they now have room to move into the abdomen area.
More facial features come into focus, such as the eyebrows and lips. The brain continues to develop as it makes hormones of its own, and the nerve cells multiply rapidly. Muscles begin responding to the brain, which wants to control everything, but cannot just yet.
As the brain and muscles develop together, natural movements such as bending of the arms, clenching and opening the fists, and twisting of the wrists and elbows become more frequent.

Changes in Your Body

Your uterus is now protruding above the pubic bone, and through weeks 12–16 you will definitely start showing.
Some moms will get that “glow,” but others experience more negative changes in their skin. The areolae (the skin around the nipples)darkens, and freckles and spots begin to appear around the body.
Unfortunately, some women begin to get dark brown patches of skin on their faces during this week. Large doses of Vitamin A would normally be the cure for this, but large doses of Vitamin
A should be avoided while you are pregnant, since they can damage the liver, among other things. Heartburn is more frequent due to the increase of the same progesterone hormone that is continuously playing with your emotions.
To help reduce heartburn, you should try to eat small portions more frequently, avoid foods that commonly cause heartburn, and stick to high fiber foods.

Week 12 Tips

During the twelfth week, it is important that Mom continues to take care of herself and her baby. Such irritating pregnancy symptoms asfatigue, morning sickness, and nausea will probably have gone away by now.
This is a good sign that all is well. If these symptoms do not go away or at least subside, you should let your healthcare provider know, as this could be a sign of a molar pregnancy, especially if bleeding or spottingis detected.
A molar pregnancy means the formation of cysts in the uterus. It occurs due to abnormal development of the placenta, and is a major cause for miscarriage at this stage of the pregnancy. Next isPregnancy at 13 weeks.

Other Pregnancy Term
<--Pregnancy Term Keywords --> Pregnancy Abdomen,The Belly,Abdominal circumference (AC),Abortion,Abruptio placenta (Placental abruption),Acceleration,Acromelia,Active Labor,Acute Cervical Insufficiency,Afterbirth,Agenesis of the corpus callosum (ACC),Akinesia,Alloimmunization (Isoimmunization),Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP),Amniocentesis,Amnioinfusion,Amniotic fluid,Amniotic Fluid Index (AFI),Amniotic fluid ‘sludge’,Amniotic sac,Amniotic sheet,Amniotomy (artificial rupture of membranes , AROM),pregnancy terms,
,Anemia,Anencephaly,Anesthesia,Angle of insonation,Anomaly,Antenatal,Antenatal corticosteroids , ACS,Antepartum,Anterior,Antibody (Immunoglobulin),Anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA, aCL Antibody) *,Anti-c antibody (little c antibody) *,Anti-D antibody (Rh sensitization, Rh disease)*,Anti-Duffy antibody (anti-Fya antibody),Anti-Kell antibody,Anti-Kidd antibody (anti-Jka or anti-Jkb),Anti-Lewis antibody,Anti-S antibody,Apgar Score,First Pregnancy,Trimester,First Trimester,Seconder Trimester,Third Trimester,Week By Week